About me

Hi, my name is Yuchong Geng. I am a third-year PhD student in ECE at Cornell University. I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. A. Kevin Tang.

Previsouly, I received an MEng in ECE from Cornell University and a BS in Electrical Engineering from University of California, Davis.

Research Interests

My research interests lie at the intersection of machine learning and cognitive science.


  • 07/2022: I will continue my education at Cornell as a PhD student in School of ECE.
  • 11/2021: I gave a talk at CoRL 2021 hosted in London, UK.
  • 10/2021: A paper about my research work during my MEng study at Cornell has been accepted to CoRL 2021.


PhD, ECE, Cornell University.
2022/Fall ––
MEng, ECE, Cornell University.
2020/Fall –– 2021/Fall
BS, EE, UC Davis.
2016/Fall –– 2020/Winter


Email: yg534 [at] cornell [dot] edu